Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Just Starting Out

I have several friends who are expert bloggers and use this as a tool to keep in touch with family and friends around the country. I figured what the heck, I'll try it too. The kiddos grow so quickly that I hope you all can see pictures and what they are up to every so often.

Will's such a great big brother. He runs to see his baby sis every morning and showers her with hugs and kisses. He makes her laugh like no one else can. She loves to watch him run around and dance the "running man". And Morgan loves her big brother! I was cuddling with both of them tonight as they were drifting off to sleep and I thought "I don't want this moment to end! Please stay small just a little longer". Already Morgan's growing so quickly. She's sitting up on her own and reaching for things just out of reach. She said "Mama" today. (and she wasn't just babbling ;)) . My babies. My sweet God given gifts. I don't know what I've done to deserve you.

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