Sunday, February 14, 2010

Crazy = Normal?

I think it does in our house! :) Here's Morgan 'helping' Eric play Madden 2010!
I swear that Will's going to be in school until mid-June, the way these snow days keep piling up. He had another one last Tuesday - this is the kids in one of their calmer moments that day!
His 1/2 birthday was last Sunday so he was able to take treats to celebrate, since celebrating with his class on August 7th is pretty much impossible. He and I went through PILES of clothes in his room on Tuesday (snow day) and the pile that didn't fit was much bigger than the one that did. He's great to help around the house and of all things, loves cleaning the bathrooms! Give him a Cl@rox wipe and he's off! He's doing great with his reading and spelling too. He's LOVED the winter Olympics so far, and has loved everything he's seen. We've had NBC on every night and that will probably continue through Feb 28th!

Morgan's going to give us far more grey hair that her brother ever will. She's 2 going on 21, with an attitude and sass to match. She's into everything and loves coloring. She's taking "nastics" (gymnastics) now and seems to enjoy it. We're going to start swimming lessons this summer in hopes that she'll enjoy the water more. One thing that cracks us up is that she LOVES soda. Will has always hated it - which Mommy thought was a GOOD thing! But Morgan always asks for a taste of Pepsi and has taken to calling Eric's Cherry Dr. Pepper "Pepper Pepsi". Here they are saying "CHEERS" with their Pepper Pepsi!
Eric & I are doing well doesn't seem like we say cute things or have funny stories like the kids do! We're excited to have finally set a date for the wedding and are looking forward to that as well as a few short vacations this summer.
We're planning to head to Chicago for my birthday, as well as spend some time at the lake sometime in late July or early August. I got the kids' 2010-2011 school calendar in Will's take home folder on Friday and can't believe we're thinking about that already!

Cuddled up on a cold morning...

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