Wednesday, March 17, 2010

And then I got sick....

UGH is all I have to say. I am so ready to have the house open and get all of these germs out of here!! Sunday, Will & I both woke up with fevers & body aches. We spent most of the day on the couch although mid-afternoon, Will made a miraculous recovery so he and Morgan could enjoy some of the beautiful weather. Turns out when I finally took him to the doctor today he had an ear infection AND strep - way to go Mom! :( I on the other hand have the flu and there's nothing that will treat mine. I think I have been sicker in the past 4 days then I have been in a really long time. I haven't missed 3 days of work in a really long time...if ever. I think I'm finally turning the corner today and hope I can sit at my desk without falling over tomorrow ;). So pretty much everything else has fallen by the wayside so I can lie in bed and doze and take advil.

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